Yoga is a word that is derived from the Sanskrit word “YUJ” which means “to unite” or to join. Yoga is the activity or an exercise of body, mind, and spirit.
Yoga is a union between the individual and the god. Yoga joins contact or connects the body and mind with a healthy body. Yoga was found and systemized about 3000 years ago by Hindu philosopher “Patanjali“
The Hatha yoga and Raja yoga which is discussed in the ancient Hindu text of “Upanishads” and “Bhagwat Gita“. This yoga includes;
- Jana Yoga: Gains knowledge by studying Scriptures and Meditation.
- Bhakti Yoga: In this love and ritualistic devotion to a deity, guru.
- Karma Yoga: Gains by Selfless action and services.
- Mantra Yoga: Using Mantras and mental repetition of sacred sounds, to raise consciousness.
- Elements Of Yoga(“Asthang Yoga”)
- Yama: Means “Restraint”
- Niyama: Means “Observance”
- Asanas: Means “Yogic Postures”
- Pranayama: Means “Art Of Breathing”
- Pratyahara: Means “Sense of Withdrawal”
- Dharana: Means “Concentration”
- Dhyana: Means “Meditation”
- Samadhi: Means “total introversion” Superconsciousness.
Yogic Postures or Asanas
- Sheershasana(Head Stand): This asana is performed while putting full body weight on the head, by putting both hands on the mat and head between hands and slowly pull your body upwards and stand on the head.
This asana helps in the blood circulation of the body.
- Pawanmuktasana: Lie down on the ground while holding both the legs together in front of your chest or you can do it by single-leg holding it on your chest with your hand. This asana helps in reducing acidity and helps in diabetic conditions also develops the digestive system.
- Tadasana: Stand in a standing position while joining both legs and straighten your arms upwards and see in front and slowly-slowly pull your body upwards standing on toes of both feet. Breathe should be normal and then slow down your arms, you can do it for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Vrikshasana: Stand on one leg while putting the other leg on the thighs of another leg which on you are standing and hands in “Namaskar” position near the chest, look forward and breathe slowly then slowly comes in normal position.
- Trikonasana: Stand on both feet while stretching them a little as you are comfortable with. Pull your one hand upwards with the palm of the hand in an upward direction towards the sky, and another hand should be touched to the feet of the same leg as the left-hand touch the left feet.
- Bhujangasana: Lie on the ground touching the stomach on the ground and put both hands near the chest and pull only the upper part of the body(above the waist) and head moving in an upwards direction towards the sky. This asana is good for back muscles and for the abdominal muscles.
- Vajrasana: This asana is just simply sitting in meditation. you have to sit on the sole of your feet keeping your thighs straight, with hands placed on them. The spine should be straight, also the head should be straight. Close your eyes, and meditate your self concentrating on the painful muscles.
- Shalbhasana: Put your total weight on both hands touching the ground and slowly move your lower part legs in upward direction, you can do this with another method while this is just opposite to Bhujangasana where your lower body part is lifted upwards and hands should be near the thighs supporting both legs and chin should touch the ground.
- Halasana: In this asana lie on the ground putting both the hand straight touching the grounds near your thighs or waist pull your both legs upwards and pull them upwards near your head touching knees. You can use both hands touching the ground for the support that you should not fall.
- Paschimotanasana: Sit on the ground while stretching both legs in the straight direction and touch both hands with both feet and bend a little towards the ground from between your hands, breathing should be normal.
- Padamasana: Sit on your both hands by placing the right ankle over the left thigh and the left ankle on the right thigh. You can do it with another way, Sitting in the meditation position place the right ankle over the left thigh and the left ankle on the right thigh. The spine should be straight with closed eyes with hands-on on both the knees like a Saint sitting in meditation.
- Chakrasana:
In this Asana you have to move your body like a chakra or a circle just watch in a figure. This is good for your spinal Flexibility. You can do it for 2-3 minutes.
- Shavasana: Lie down on the ground like you are dead with straight spine position, hands-on grounds with open palms, legs should be relaxed, and close your eyes and forgot all the thought, just meditate, this is last asanas, in this, you have to relax after all the asanas.
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