In this article, we will learn the waterfall model and modified waterfall model also some of the drawbacks, and also talk about phases of the waterfall model, and we will also tell you why the waterfall model has disadvantages.
Waterfall Model
Waterfall Model was developed by Dr. Winston W.Royce in a paper published in 1970.
The waterfall model or classic waterfall model is also known as Linear-Sequential Life Cycle Model. This refers to the whole software is in a systematic manner, and also known as Strict Waterfall Model because the model is strictly followed like a waterfall in the valley.
- In the Waterfall model, the software project is separately divided into parts as we have learned from SDLC.
- The name Waterfall is given to this phase is because of its name only.
- As you can assume that the waterfall falling in the valley cannot be reversed, so this phase or model also cannot be reversed.
- If you start this model you have to complete it. Therefore there are some disadvantages also.
Phases in Waterfall Model
Requirement Analysis- In this phase, the requirement of the software project is collected from the customers through online meetings or group discussions and written in Software Requirement Specifications called the SRS Document.
System Design– This phase, designs the blueprint of software projects.
Implementation– This phase, is for practical purposes as developers used their coding skills to develop the real software which will hand over to the customer. They use the particular language which is perfect for them or in which the client wants.
Testing and Integration– This phase is done by a tester who tests the software developed by developers and sends it back to them if there is any kind of error or bug. This process goes continuously again and again until the error is fixed.
Deployment of Software- After the software is complete and check by the testing team then it is handed over to the customer for their feedback
Maintenance– Maintenance is the main part of software development and the backbone of software, as the software is modified or update time-to-time by the company, this upgrades the reputation of the company.
The drawback of Classic waterfall Modell
The classic waterfall model is not the actual model because the main disadvantage of it is that we cannot jump back from one phase to another, and we cannot apply it to real projects. For developing software there may be some changes from a customer or may some points remain from the previous team and we cannot go back in this model so, here this phase is not comfortable for projects as this is only for very small projects, and nowadays such small projects are not implemented. Companies develop only the high-level project or medium-level projects.
Disadvantages to be pointed for the waterfall model.
- Freezing the requirements
- No option for the backward phase.
- Very high risk of failure of software.
- Not made for high-quality software.
- Cannot effort long-duration projects.
Modified Waterfall Model
This model is the updated version of the classic waterfall model as in classic we cannot go backward step, and in modified model this feature is given, we can go back to an earlier stage and solve the problems.
Hence, to overcome the waterfall model, the modified waterfall model was developed. The main feature of it’s adding the feedback system in every stage, so the current phase gets the clearance of any error.
So, we can say that the main difference between the waterfall and the modified waterfall model is a feedback system, and we can go to the previous stage to correct it.
The modified waterfall model is also known as the iterative waterfall model.
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